Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So, I've been thinking about my latest post. And it while I stand by everything I said, I feel I should provide examples (or evidence) for what I was talking about.

This is an image I consider to have a solid
composition. And pay special attention to                                                            
the horizon line. The building in the background is
straight and level.
Here is an image I found that needs some work.
Notice the door behind her. It isn't straight up and
down. It's obvious that it wasn't shot on a tripod.
And you don't need to shoot on one. But errors
like that need to be fixed in post before they're                                              
ever released for commercial use, the way
this one was.

Now lets move on to exposure. Here is an image that is WAY overexposed. The entire background blown out. There is zero detail. While I can make an argument that sometimes a photographer would want a background like this one. But her skin doesn't have any detail or pixel information. And in
portraits or fashion photography, skin is pretty

This image would be an example of the
previsualization of having a background without                                                
any detail.

Here is an image I think will example my point well.
It's a bright day at the beach and everything is extra
bright. BUT the viewer still has detail in the sand, as                                                  
well as in the white shirt.

On the opposite end of overexposures. We have    
underexposures. This image I found examples images that are dark in the overall tone but still have detail in the darks. You can still see the stitching and texture of the jacket and you're able to see the detail in her hair. Her skin is exposed correctly. So technically, this shot is well executed.

Now here is an image that is underexposed.
There isn't any detail in the darkest parts, like                                                                
her shirt. And the only reason other dark areas
have the detail they have, is because they've
they've brought the brightness up in post. They've
brought the brightness up so high that they've now
introduced noise into the image as well. It's no
longer a smooth image, but it is now marked up
from the noise the edit has introduced.

I hope these examples have helped you understand my issue I talked about in the last post.
Until next time!
And as always check out erinbeephotography.com

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